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Home >> United Kingdom >> London >> How many of us live in London then

10.03.2007, 19:46 quote


How many posters on these forums live in London then? I am one, who else?


11.03.2007, 12:27 quote


I used to, does that count?


11.03.2007, 18:25 quote


id like to...i visit alot Laughing


11.03.2007, 18:45 quote


I do but wanna move out - I hate it here!!


11.03.2007, 19:33 quote


I want to live on Pols couch

oh, and my real dad was a true Cockney!


11.03.2007, 19:36 quote


anothermansjulie wrote:
I want to live on Pols couch

oh, and my real dad was a true Cockney!

yehhhhhhhh! come live on my couch!


11.03.2007, 20:17 quote


pollyanna37 wrote:
I do but wanna move out - I hate it here!!
But its brilliant if you use online dating as because London has got millions of residents it has thousands of dating site members. Where as smaller towns and cities have got very few dating site members for you to contact.


14.03.2007, 01:48 quote


did you know that there is a roman baths at the strand?

i didnt know, its tucked away down an alleyway aparently Rolling Eyes


15.03.2007, 22:37 quote


It is on Strand Court, that is not a picture of it lol.

Owned by the national trust but you cannot get into it, although you can look through the windows.

School of thought says that it is not actual Roman - but a georgian copy.


16.03.2007, 12:21 quote


i didnt know pol cos i have never seen the baths and that pic was on this blog about half way down the page about a visit to the baths Confused

only other pic ive found of it is this crap thing Confused

on this website

which by the way, is a very good site for london pics and info


25.03.2007, 15:23 quote


Scazza wrote:
I'm In London... I love it.... mind you I'm fed up of felling too young to be on this site.... what's wrong with us 20 year olds eh?
When I first started using internet forums way back in 1999 I felt that I was too old to be on them as at the time I was 33 and most of the other posters were aged between 15 and 25. I think that even now on this site and most other dating site the bulk of the membership are much younger than me between about 18 and 28.

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