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Home >> United Kingdom >> London >> What do Ladies look for in a Guy at first sight?

26.05.2007, 16:24 quote


the reason it doesnt get reciprocated is because they dont fancy you mate......plain and simple....... its darwins theory of natural selection my old china......... just cos u have a massive dingaling doesnt mean that women are gonna fall for you....... my advice is go back to the rapping or the burger building job cos u just havent got a clue with women have you?? in fact leave this site right now because we just dont want to hear some camberwell carrot toting housing benefit claiming "playa" go on about his lack of success with women because its boring and we just dont care..... and one last point.... brush up on the english before you start writing posts as your one doesnt make sense u saggy trousered 1989 astra driving fool.....


26.05.2007, 16:51 quote


maybe he was thinking they all really did fancy him but they were just pretending they were repulsed by the whiff of skunk and stale air jordans that pemeated his "passion wagon"............. honestly........... the whole serving up grade a on a mountain bike thing might have been a negative too in some of the ladies eyes........... but hey what do i know.........


27.05.2007, 11:43 quote


well........ i am a jedi knight.......... but from a very old and secretive order from way back before the republic was formed.......... even older than yoda's nan......... its called the order of spook-bashar and only the most devoted jedi are accepted in to it........ its sole aim is to take a swipe back at a certain type of bloke......... u kno the sort....... the massively built, stupid, heroin pushing, granny mugging type of person that hang around on all our street corners.......... yeah u know the yoda would say: always more than ten in the group there are......... wankas.


27.05.2007, 18:51 quote


instead of just skirting round the issue with veiled references shall i just take the safety catch off and really let him have it????........ say what we have all been thinking..........or will i get chucked off the site??


27.05.2007, 20:12 quote


if im honest babe you are right....... what ive said is a bit unkind and unfair....... but does multiculturalism work? where i live and grew up is a not particularly "money" area but it isnt a complete dive either...... and there are now a lot of different ethnic groups moved in....... now i see these groups everyday im not commenting from afar and all i see is birds of a feather sticking together....... which isnt the end of the world but why do these people and i mean all ethnicities SEEM to hold our beautiful and once truly great country and her indigenous people in such low regard??? nine times out of ten if i catch a person who is from an ethnic minorities eyes all i get is a dirty look........ and then i turn on the news and there most nights there will be some cleric or other threatening english people with yet more bloodshed and slaughter........ and then there are the ones pushing crack and heroin on street corners........ and this is an area of which i speak with some authority as we have a big problem with it where i live....... and we all know who {in the main} is doing it but we all have to stay silent for fear of being branded a racist........ i had until recently a black girlfriend who i adored and know a few indians locally who i like very much so i dont think im a racist as such im just pissed off with lazy benefit scrounging or trouble making people from these so called ethnic minorities taking us all for a ride and just treating this country as a buffet....... taking what they want and then spending every hour that god sends slagging it and us off.


27.05.2007, 20:38 quote


well my dear i can live with that....... funnily enough i wasnt going to be extending you an invitation to my next dinner party so no harm done....... and im bright enough to suss that you probably think im just another poorly educated bigot from the suburbs but believe it or not im just a fella who's watched his local community go to the dogs for a number of reasons and it makes me so very sad....... i expected to get slaughtered for my view........ but at least i dont sit on the fence....... so bring it on.....


02.06.2007, 08:52 quote


the first thing i notice abt a guy is the colour of his eyes & his lips


19.06.2007, 11:55 quote


prettyboy36 wrote:
the reason it doesnt get reciprocated is because they dont fancy you mate......plain and simple....... its darwins theory of natural selection my old china......... just cos u have a massive dingaling doesnt mean that women are gonna fall for you....... my advice is go back to the rapping or the burger building job cos u just havent got a clue with women have you?? in fact leave this site right now because we just dont want to hear some camberwell carrot toting housing benefit claiming "playa" go on about his lack of success with women because its boring and we just dont care..... and one last point.... brush up on the english before you start writing posts as your one doesnt make sense u saggy trousered 1989 astra driving fool.....

Erm he's an architect so it just goes to show who lacks intelligence here. And it's ironic that you ask someone to brush up on the English skills that you clearly lack.


07.08.2007, 22:30 quote


Isnt it ironic that so callled pretty boy hasnt posted a picture.He's the sort of soap box twat who hides behind his keyboard slinging mud at whoever he feels like because he knows he wont get a smack for his sad narrow minded view of the world.
Im sure if he was in a pub in Brixton where a great many well educated people of all backgrounds and race live.In fact yes, Im sure he would keep his mouth firmly shut when asked about his views on Black Britains.
Pretty boy is probably a frustrated fat bloke who sits and surfs porn from his greasy beer stained mfi sofa.

I for one welcome people in from all corners of the world if it means pretty( ha ha !!) boy leaves the country to settle on an Island somewhere as far away as possible from me.
However this is Britain where everybody no matter how pathetic and sad has the right to express a view,so no doubt we will here some more hate filled drivel from him in the future.


07.08.2007, 23:27 quote


Actingskint wrote:

Im sure if he was in a pub in Brixton where a great many well educated people of all backgrounds and race live. In fact yes, Im sure he would keep his mouth firmly shut when asked about his views on Black Britains.

totally fucking agree with that


10.02.2008, 14:43 quote


dam peeps,why be so dam bloody rude towards him,i just think you peeps are just a bunch of racist,back off,
and stop being dickheads.


19.02.2008, 21:34 quote


azbe wrote:

Could actually have been an interesting topic, here. Alas, hopelessly hikacked.....

Hi azbe. This topic is actually currently being discussed more seriously in various threads on the main forums , especially in the Dating and Love & Relationships sections - although there is a lot of light-hearted banter on the main forums amongst the regulars.


19.02.2008, 23:24 quote


Cazzabee wrote:
Can I just say that we are a multi cultural society and should accept people for ehat they are..not berate them because english may not necessarily be their first language.

He wasn't berating him for that, he was berating him because he's a knobhead.


19.02.2008, 23:35 quote


azbe wrote:
darkhorse57 wrote:
azbe wrote:

Could actually have been an interesting topic, here. Alas, hopelessly hikacked.....

Hi azbe. This topic is actually currently being discussed more seriously in various threads on the main forums , especially in the Dating and Love & Relationships sections - although there is a lot of light-hearted banter on the main forums amongst the regulars.


You're welcome. A lot of the more thoughtful topics do have banter in them too, but generally people stick to the topic and generate some interactive discussion about certain topics, and they're probably more used than the regional forums for more specific discussion. Oh, there's also a lot of utter rubbish on the main forums too (mainly mine)


03.04.2008, 11:31 quote


renrules wrote:

You wanna know why? pretty boy? because your so called beautiful country pillaged and burnt other countries, raped ther women and killed their thought that the nazis were bad? well british soldiers opened fire on a group of protesors ( peaceful ones and there were lots of women and children in it) and killed somewhere in the 100's, and that's just one incident.

I am not saying that didnt happen but it might be useful if you post a link to a news item or article about the incident, since from your post nobody knows if you are talking about now or before our lifetime.

renrules wrote:
however, im not against modern britain etc. seeing that attitudes have changed but BNP fuckers like "pretty boy" here should just marry off and look at minorities more. my dad works his ass off here as a financial accountant, they pay him less than a white man of the same position, MUCH less. Fair treatement?. My family have never claimed a single penny off benefits, yet we have to pay for your government to fund it.

If your father has a strong case for an equal opportunities lawsuit regarding his pay, why doesn't he take his employers to court? we have a fair law here regarding equal opportunities, if people don't use it then that is their look out.

renrules wrote:
My family have never claimed a single penny off benefits, yet we have to pay for your government to fund it.

lets hope you don't become long term ill from an accident and have to rely upon that benefit system then, since you resent funding it...

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